Lyle Adair
Educated at The University of Texas,
Adair turned to copper sculpture in 1998.
His works range from utilitarian objects to
award winning sculptures shown in galleries
and art shows across Texas.
Helen Buck
Midwestern roots and studies at the
University of Cincinnati influenced Buck’s
use of two-dimensional images to create a
fresh perspective and give the viewer a singular
vision of the world. She works in oil, acrylic
and mixed media.
Vera Geneovese
Genovese, 27, studies photography as artistic
language at The Academy of Fine Arts in
Naples, Italy, and produces portraits using
photo-painting techniques. Her other interests
include poetry, collecting folk tales and creating
CD covers for bands.
Rhea Petit
Pettit holds a degree in graphic design from
the University of Texas at Austin. After 25
years as a professional graphic designer, she
made the transition to painting full-time in 2016, and
her artistic interest is people and other species.
Josh Baker
A degree in Communications from the University
of Texas set Baker on a course to tell stories through
photography. He finds fulfillment in his work by
bringing the ideas of clients to life in photographic print.
Sky Hopsod
Joined the show as a sophomore
fine arts major at McCallum
High School in Austin, Texas.
Skye is now a sophomore at the
University of Texas in Austin,
where she is a Jefferson Scholar
studying Astro-physics.
Joe Grady Moore
A native Austinite, Moore is an educator,
artist, actor, and recovering sexual
abuse survivor.
Geoff Hammond
Working in photography since 1994
Hammond established a business in London
in 2004. The California native built a
photography company in Austin, TX before
moving to Czechia to become a missionary.
Amie Stone King
Interested in collage and installation
art and trained in drama, King employs
a certain theatricality in her work which
invites the viewer not only to look but to
participate with mind, body and spirit.
She holds a BFA in Theatre and MA in
Art Museum Education from the University
of Texas at Austin.
The goal for this project is to open a door
through art, to encourage people to consider
the physical, emotional and spiritual impact of
sex-slavery while spotlighting the deep and
distorted realities of this pervasive industry,
empowering the public to shine a light into
the darkness and not be afraid to look.
Zen Van Loan
Multi-media artist and film maker
Zen Van Loan uses various mediums
to provoke an emotional response from
the viewer. As the mother of a young
girl, the subject matter of the exhibition
is especially poignant for her.
Maria Vargas
Interested in painting and photography, Vargas
Magna uses both to express the surroundings in
her native Mexico. She attributes her studies in
2007 at the Georg-August University in Göttingen,
Germany, with the development of her current
painting style.
Kelsey Tasch
World travel with her family inspires and
informs Tasch’s art which calls attention
to lesser-known issues. She joined the show
as a student at McCallum High School and
is now an Orange Jacket member
at the University of Texas in Austin
studying, Race, Indigeneity & Migration.
Ginny Barrett
A native of Spring, Texas, Barrett earned
a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art from
Texas Tech University and holds a Master
of Intercultural Ministries from Golden Gate
Baptist Theological Seminary and a Master
of Education from Texas State.
Marillah King
A sophomore ADPi at the University of
Texas at Austin, studying Business. She
created the experiential activities as part
of her Girl Scout Gold Award project.